Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The past couple of months have been a time of great reflection. During this time I have done a lot of reading of Biblical scholars. One of the people I have been reading has been N.T. Wright. He is one of the best Biblical scholars that I have ever read. His views on most topics seem to be in line with what the Bible has to say. His views have explained a lot of New Testament that used to be fuzzy, even for a Bible student. The teachings of his have helped me grow on this journey of Christianity. I have heard some good sermons that have convicted me very greatly. The conviction has not been in a bad way but in a positive way that has allowed me to look at my life and start to change it. During this time I have seen Christianity that was more of a show and then Christianity that is stripped down and raw. These people have gone back to the basic, to the truth of the Bible and are pursuing it has hard as they can. My personal times with God have been to say the least amazing. Some hard, some joyous, others just hard to explain to anybody. However they have been growing times, true blessings in my life. Most of all it is great to have a wife who is growing, maturing, deepening her faith and going on this crazy journey of life with me.

Learning to follow Jesus who is Lord more and more...

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